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Alex is a GPU cluster with Nvidia A40 and A100 GPGPUs and AMD Milan ("Zen3") processors. The cluster is accessible for NHR users and on request for Tier3 users.

GPU type (memory) # nodes (# GPUs) CPUs and # cores per node main memory per node node-local SSD Slurm partition
8 x Nvidia A40 (40 GB DDR6) 44 (352) 2 x AMD EPYC 7713 ("Milan", "Zen3"), 2 x 64 cores @2.0 GHz 512 GB 7 TB a40
8 x Nvidia A100 (40 GB HBM2) 20 (160) 2 x AMD EPYC 7713 ("Milan", "Zen3"), 2 x 64 cores @2.0 GHz 1 TB 14 TB a100
8 x Nvidia A100 (80 GB HBM2) 18 (144) 2 x AMD EPYC 7713 ("Milan", "Zen3"), 2 x 64 cores @2.0 GHz 2 TB 14 TB a100

The login nodes alex[12] have 2 x AMD EPYC 7713 ("Milan", "Zen3") processors, but no GPUs. See Further information for more technical details about the cluster.

Accessing Alex#

FAU HPC accounts do not have access to Alex by default. Request access by filling out the form

See configuring connection settings or SSH in general for configuring your SSH connection.

If successfully configured, Alex can be accessed via SSH by:


You will then be redirected to one of the login nodes.


Alex runs AlmaLinux 8 that is binary compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

All software on NHR@FAU systems, e.g. (commercial) applications, compilers and libraries, is provided using environment modules. These modules are used to setup a custom environment when working interactively or inside batch jobs.

For available software see:

Most software is centrally installed using Spack. By default, only a subset of packages installed via Spack is shown. To see all installed packages, load the 000-all-spack-pkgs module. You can install software yourself by using the user-spack functionality.

Containers, e.g. Docker, are supported via Apptainer.

Best practices, known issues#

Specific applications:

Machine learning frameworks:


Python, conda, conda environments#

Through the python module, an Anaconda installation is available. See our Python documentation for usage, initialization, and working with conda environments.


Intel MKL might not deliver optimal performance on Alex's AMD processors. In previous versions of Intel MKL, setting the environment variables MKL_DEBUG_CPU_TYPE=5 and MKL_CBWR=AUTO improved performance on AMD processors.

This no longer works with recent MKL versions, see also and NHR@FAU does not promote these workarounds; however, if you nevertheless follow them by setting LD_PRELOAD do not forget to still set MKL_CBWR=AUTO.


For a general overview about compilers, optimizations flags, and targeting a certain CPU micro-architecture see the compiler documentation.


Alex's front-ends and nodes have CPUs of the Zen3 micro-architecture.

For Intel oneAPI and Classic compilers use -mavx2 -mfma on Alex

When using Intel oneAPI or Classic compilers on Alex we recommend to use -mavx2 -mfma instead of -march=native or -xHost as the latter two options might generate non-optimal code for AMD CPUs.

The following table shows the compiler flags for targeting Alex's Zen3 CPUs:

target CPU GCC/LLVM Intel oneAPI/Classic NVHPC
auto detect -march=native not recommended -tp=native
Zen3 -march=znver3 -mavx2 -mfma -tp=zen3

If your GCC/LLVM compilers are to old to recognize znver3 and you cannot switch to a newer compiler you can try znver2 or znver1 as target architecture.


With nvcc you can target a specific GPU with the -gencode flag. It is possible to specify -gencode multiple times, generating code for multiple targets in one binary. For more details, see Nvidia CUDA compilers documentation.

card compute capability functional capability (FA) virtual architecture (VA) NVCC flags
A100 8.0 sm_80 compute_80 -gencode arch=compute_80,code=sm_80
A40 8.6 sm_86 compute_86 -gencode arch=compute_86,code=sm_86

Multi-Process Service (MPS daemon)#

The Multi-Process Service (MPS) is an alternative, binary-compatible implementation of the CUDA Application Programming Interface (API).

The MPS runtime architecture is designed to transparently enable co-operative multi-process CUDA applications, typically MPI jobs. This can benefit performance when the GPU compute capacity is underutilized by a single application process.

Usage of MPS requires a certain preparation and is documented under Multi-Process Service.


On all front ends and nodes the filesystems $HOME, $HPCVAULT, and $WORK are mounted. For details see the filesystems documentation.

Node local NVMe SSD $TMPDIR#

Data stored on $TMPDIR will be deleted when the job ends.

Each cluster node has a local NVMe SSD that is reachable under $TMPDIR.

For more information on how to use $TMPDIR see:

The SSD's capacity is 7 TB for a40 partition nodes and 14 TB for a100 partition nodes. The storage space is shared among all jobs on a node. Hence, you might not have access to the full capacity of the SSD.

Fast NVMe storage#

Alex is connected to our NVMe Lustre (anvme) storage, see workspaces for using it.

Batch processing#

Resources are controlled through the batch system Slurm. The front ends should only be used for compiling.

For each batch job you have to specify the number of GPUs you want to use. With each GPU you get a corresponding share of the host's resources like CPU cores and memory.

For single-node jobs, the compute nodes are shared with jobs potentially from other people. However, requested GPUs and associated resource on the host are always granted exclusively.

Multi-node jobs are only available on request for NHR projects by contacting Your application must be able to use multiple nodes and efficiently utilize the available GPU. Nodes in multi-node jobs are allocated exclusively and not shared with other jobs.

Available partitions and their properties:

partition min – max walltime GPU type (GPU memory) min – max GPUs CPU cores per GPU host memory per GPU Slurm options
a40 0 – 24:00:00 Nvidia A40 (40 GB DDR6) 1 – 8 16 60 GB --gres=gpu:a40:# (1)
a100 0 – 24:00:00 Nvidia A100 (40 GB HBM2) 1 – 8 16 120 GB --gres=gpu:a100:# (1)
a100 0 – 24:00:00 Nvidia A100 (80 GB HBM2) 1 – 8 16 120 GB --gres=gpu:a100:# -C a100_80 (1)

(1) Replace # with the number of GPUs you want to request.

Interactive job#

Interactive jobs can be requested by using salloc and specifying the respective options on the command line.

The environment from the calling shell, like loaded modules, will be inherited by the interactive job.

Interactive job (single GPU)#

The following will allocate an interactive shell on a node and request one A40 GPU (--gres=gpu:a40:1) for one hour (--time=1:0:0):

salloc --gres=gpu:a40:1 --time=1:00:00

Batch job script examples#

The following examples show general batch scripts. For the following applications we have templates for Alex:

Python (single GPU)#

In this example, we allocate 1 A40 GPU for 6 hours and the corresponding share of CPUs and host main memory.

When the job is started, we load the Python module and activate the conda environment we use for our Python script. After that we can execute the Python script.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:a40:1
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
#SBATCH --export=NONE


module load python
conda activate environment-for-script


MPI parallel job (single-node)#

In this example, the executable will be run using 16 MPI processes for a total job walltime of 6 hours. The job allocates 1 A40 GPU and the corresponding share of CPUs and main memory automatically.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --ntasks=16
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:a40:1
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
#SBATCH --export=NONE


srun ./application

Hybrid MPI/OpenMP job (single-node)#


In recent Slurm versions, the value of --cpus-per-task is no longer automatically propagated to srun, leading to errors in the application start. This value has to be set manually via the variable SRUN_CPUS_PER_TASK.

In this example, 1 A100 GPU is allocated. The executable will be run using 2 MPI processes with 8 OpenMP threads each for a total job walltime of 6 hours. 16 cores are allocated in total and each OpenMP thread is running on a physical core.

#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH --ntasks=2
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:a100:1
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
#SBATCH --export=NONE


# set number of threads to requested cpus-per-task
# for Slurm version >22.05: cpus-per-task has to be set again for srun

srun ./hybrid_application

Multi-node Job (available on demand for NHR projects)#

In this case, your application has to be able to use more than one node and its corresponding GPUs at the same time. The nodes will be allocated exclusively for your job, i.e. you get access to all GPUs, CPUs and RAM of the node automatically.

Adjust the options --nodes and--ntasks-per-node to your application.

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:a100:8
#SBATCH --qos=a100multi
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --export=NONE


srun ./application

Attach to a running job#

See the general documentation on batch processing.

Further information#


Node details#

partition a40 a100 (40 GB) a100 (80 GB)
no. of nodes 44 20 18
processors 2 x AMD EPYC 7713 "Milan" 2 x AMD EPYC 7713 "Milan" 2 x AMD EPYC 7713 "Milan"
Microarchitecture Zen3 Zen3 Zen3
no. of cores 2 x 64 = 128 2 x 64 = 128 2 x 64 = 128
L3 cache 2 x 256 MB = 512 MB 2 x 256 MB = 512 MB 2 x 256 MB = 512 MB
memory 512 GB 1 TB 2 TB
memory type DDR4 DDR4 DDR4
NPS 4 1 1
NUMA LDs 8 8 8
Infiniband HCAs 2 x HDR200 2 x HDR200
network 25 GbE 25 GbE 25 GbE
local NVMe SSD 7 TB 14 TB 14 TB
Nvidia GPUs A40 A100 A100
no. of GPGPUs 8 8 8
memory 48 GB 40 GB 80 GB
memory type GDDR6 HBM2 HBM2
memory bandwidth 696 GB/s 1,555 GB/s 2,039 GB/s
interconnect HGX board with NVLink HGX board with NVLink

The Nvidia A40 GPGPUs have a very high single precision floating point performance (even higher than an A100) and are much less expensive than Nvidia A100 GPGPUs. All workloads which only require single precision floating point operations, like many molecular dynamics applications, thus, should target the Nvidia A40 GPGPUs.

Processor details#

Processor used:

partition a40, a100
processor AMD EPYC 7713 "Milan"
Microarchitecture Zen3
no. of cores (SMT threads) 64 (128)
SMT disabled (1)
max. Boost frequency 3.675 GHz
base frequency 2.0 GHz
total L3 cache 256 MB
memory type DDR4 @ 3,200 MHz
memory channels 8
NPS setting 4
theo. socket memory bandwidth 204.8 GB/s
default TDP 225W

(1) For security reasons SMT is disabled on Alex.

Nvidia A40 and A100 details#

Nvidia GPU A40 A100 (SMX)
architecture Ampere Ampere
compute capability 8.6 8.0
functional architecture sm_86 sm_80
virtual architecture compute_86 compute_80
memory 48 GB 40 GB / 80 GB
memory type GDDR4 HBM2
ECC enabled disabled
Memory bandwidth 696 GB/s 1,555 GB/s / 2,039 GB/s
Interconnect interface PCIe Gen4 31.5 GB/s (bidirectional) NVLink: 600GB/s
CUDA Cores (Ampere generation) 10,752 (84 SMs) 6,912 (108 SMs)
RT Cores (2nd generation) 84 -
Tensor Cores (3rd generation) 336 432
FP64 TFLOPS (non-Tensor) 0.5 9.7
FP64 Tensor TFLOPS - 19.5
Peak FP32 TFLOPS (non-Tensor) 37.4 19.5
Peak TF32 Tensor TFLOPS 74.8 156
Peak FP16 Tensor TFLOPS with FP16 Accumulate 149.7 312
Peak BF16 Tensor TFLOPS with FP32 Accumulate 149.7 312
RT Core performance TFLOPS 73.1 ?
Peak INT8 Tensor TOPS 299.3 624
Peak INT 4 Tensor TOPS 598.7 1248
Max power consumption 300 W 400 W
Price $$ $$$$

A40 data taken from (11/2021).

A100 data taken from (11/2021).

Nvidia A40 GPGPU nodes#

Photo of an open A40 node.

Open A40 node.

All eight A40 GPGPUs of a node are connected to two PCIe switches. Thus, there is only limited bandwidth to the host system and also between the GPGPUs.

Devices of compute capability 8.6 have 2x more FP32 operations per cycle per SM than devices of compute capability 8.0. While a binary compiled for 8.0 will run as is on 8.6, it is recommended to compile explicitly for 8.6 to benefit from the increased FP32 throughput.

according to Nvidia.

GPGPU Topology of a40 nodes

Output of nvidia-smi topo -m on a node from the a40 partition. The nodes have NPS=4.

       GPU0 GPU1 GPU2 GPU3 GPU4 GPU5 GPU6 GPU7 NIC0 NIC1 CPU Affinity  NUMA Affinity   GPU NUMA ID
 GPU0   X   SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  48-63         3               N/A
 GPU1  SYS   X   SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  32-47         2               N/A
 GPU2  SYS  SYS   X   SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  16-31         1               N/A
 GPU3  SYS  SYS  SYS   X   SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  0-15          0               N/A
 GPU4  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS   X   SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  112-127       7               N/A
 GPU5  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS   X   SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  96-111        6               N/A
 GPU6  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS   X   SYS  PHB  PHB  80-95         5               N/A
 GPU7  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS  SYS   X   SYS  SYS  64-79         4               N/A


   X    = Self
   SYS  = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the SMP interconnect between NUMA nodes (e.g., QPI/UPI)
   NODE = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the interconnect between PCIe Host Bridges within a NUMA node
   PHB  = Connection traversing PCIe as well as a PCIe Host Bridge (typically the CPU)
   PXB  = Connection traversing multiple PCIe bridges (without traversing the PCIe Host Bridge)
   PIX  = Connection traversing at most a single PCIe bridge
   NV#  = Connection traversing a bonded set of # NVLinks

 NIC Legend:

   NIC0: mlx5_0
   NIC1: mlx5_1
Logical schema of a a40 node

lstopo --of svg > alex-a40.svg

Nvidia A100 GPGPU nodes#

Photo of the GPU board of an open A100 node.

GPU board of an A100 node.

All four or eight A100 GPGPUs of a node are directly connected with each other through an NVSwitch providing 600 GB/s GPU-to-GPU bandwidth for each GPGPU.

GPGPU Topology of a100 nodes

Output of nvidia-smi topo -m on a node from the a40 partition. The nodes have NPS=4.

      GPU0  GPU1  GPU2  GPU3  GPU4  GPU5  GPU6  GPU7  NIC0  NIC1  NIC2  NIC3   CPU Affinity    NUMA Affinity   GPU NUMA ID
GPU0    X   NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    PXB SYS SYS SYS 48-63   3       N/A
GPU1  NV12   X  NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    PXB SYS SYS SYS 48-63   3       N/A
GPU2  NV12  NV12     X  NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    SYS PXB PXB SYS 16-31   1       N/A
GPU3  NV12  NV12    NV12     X  NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    SYS PXB PXB SYS 16-31   1       N/A
GPU4  NV12  NV12    NV12    NV12     X  NV12    NV12    NV12    SYS SYS SYS SYS 112-127 7       N/A
GPU5  NV12  NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12     X  NV12    NV12    SYS SYS SYS SYS 112-127 7       N/A
GPU6  NV12  NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12     X  NV12    SYS SYS SYS PXB 80-95   5       N/A
GPU7  NV12  NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12    NV12     X  SYS SYS SYS PXB 80-95   5       N/A


  X    = Self
  SYS  = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the SMP interconnect between NUMA nodes (e.g., QPI/UPI)
  NODE = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the interconnect between PCIe Host Bridges within a NUMA node
  PHB  = Connection traversing PCIe as well as a PCIe Host Bridge (typically the CPU)
  PXB  = Connection traversing multiple PCIe bridges (without traversing the PCIe Host Bridge)
  PIX  = Connection traversing at most a single PCIe bridge
  NV#  = Connection traversing a bonded set of # NVLinks

NIC Legend:

  NIC0: mlx5_0
  NIC1: mlx5_1
  NIC2: mlx5_2
  NIC3: mlx5_3
Logical schema of a a100 node

lstopo --of svg > alex-a100.svg


The name "Alex" is a play with the name of FAU's early benefactor Alexander, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1736-1806).


Alex has been financed by:

  • German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of INST 90/1171-1 (440719683),
  • NHR funding of federal and state authorities (BMBF and Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, respectively),
  • seven A100 nodes are dedicated to HS Coburg as part of the BMBF proposal "HPC4AAI" within the call "KI-Nachwuchs@FH",
  • one A100 nodes is financed by and dedicated to an external group from Erlangen,
  • and financial support of FAU to strengthen HPC activities.