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For compiling an OpenMP application an OpenMP-capable compiler is needed. For OpenMP support and required flags see Compiler.

To run an OpenMP application, the number of threads has to be specified explicitly by setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. This is not done automatically via the batch system, since Slurm is not OpenMP-aware. If this is not set, the default variable will be used. In most cases, the default is 1, which means that your code is executed serially. If you want to use for example 12 threads in the parallel regions of your program, you can change the environment variable by export OMP_NUM_THREADS=12.

For correct resource allocation in Slurm, use --cpus-per-task to define the number of OpenMP threads. If your application does not use OpenMP but other shared-memory parallelization, please consult the application manual on how to specify number of threads.

OpenMP Pinning#

To reach optimum performance with OpenMP codes, the correct pinning of the OpenMP threads is essential. As nowadays practically all machines are ccNUMA, where incorrect or no pinning can have devastating effects, this is something that should not be ignored. Slurm will not pin OpenMP threads automatically.

A comfortable way to pin your OpenMP threads to processors is by using likwid-pin, which is available within the likwid module on all clusters. You can start your program run using the following syntax:

likwid-pin -c <cpulist> <executable>

There are various possibilities to specify the CPU list, depending on the hardware setup and the requirements of your application. A short summary is available by calling likwid-pin -h. A more detailed documentation can be found on the Likwid GitHub page.

An alternative way of pinning is using OpenMP specific methods, e.g. by setting $OMP_PLACES=cores and $OMP_PROC_BIND=spread. More information about this is available in the HPC Wiki.